Plainrock124 Wikia
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The correct title of this article is %@#! You Poptropica!. The omission of the # is due to technical restrictions.

%@#! You Poptropica! is a video uploaded on Plainrock124. In this video, King proceeds with his progress on Poptropica until he realizes he needed the membership to complete the MiniQuest.


After catching four ghosts as part of the Spook Central MiniQuest in Poptropica, King goes into the Trading Post building (in Wild West Island) and talks to the Ghost Hunter (Daphne Dreadnaught) who prompts him to buy the membership to finish the Ghost Hunt. King explains how he caught four ghosts while carrying around a plasma net (referred to by King as a "fishing net"), and that he wasted his time on the game due to needing membership to progress any further into the game. King proceeds to guide his character in the game to jump off from a large height on top of a building the video ends with King saying "Too bad I did not die...".


I HATE MEMBERSHIP!!!!!!!!! Remember the good old day when Poptropica did not have membership? Don't you hate membership? Comment and like if you do!


  • This video was uploaded during the time that players were able to play the Spook Central MiniQuest (the gameplay shown on this video).
  • The game also mentions about Ghost Story Island coming to Poptropica. The name of the island was revealed to the public 10 days before this video was uploaded and was released a few weeks later.
  • This video has the intro featuring Vine, but this video was uploaded before its existence.
    • This also includes the Plainrockvlogs channel in the intro, which wasn't created until January 2015.
    • However, King added this intro to all his older videos using YouTube's video editor, as stated in the disclaimer.
  • In the actual gameplay, players would need to catch a minimum of 5 ghosts to complete the MiniQuest that was shown in this video.
  • This video was uploaded when King was 12.
  • King’s face is absent.